Google Sheets Shortcuts
Essential Navigation
Ctrl+Arrow Keys: Jump to the edge of a data range.
Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Keys: Select data to the edge of a range.
Ctrl+Home: Go to the top-left corner of your sheet.
Ctrl+End: Jump to the bottom-right corner of your data.
Formatting Like a Pro
Ctrl+B: Bold selected text.
Ctrl+I: Italicize selected text.
Ctrl+Shift+5: Apply a percentage format.
Ctrl+Shift+7: Add borders to the selected cells.
Inserting and Managing Data
Alt+Shift+I, R: Insert a new row above the current one.
Alt+Shift+I, C: Insert a new column to the left of the current one.
Ctrl+Shift+: (Colon): Insert the current time into a cell.
Ctrl+; (Semicolon): Insert the current date into a cell.
Efficient Editing
Ctrl+D: Duplicate the cell above into the current cell.
Ctrl+R: Duplicate the cell to the left into the current cell.
Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Insert an array formula.
Ctrl+Shift+Z: Redo an undone action (alternate for Ctrl+Y).
Selecting and Highlighting
Ctrl+A: Select the entire sheet.
Ctrl+Space: Select the entire column of the active cell.
Shift+Space: Select the entire row of the active cell.
Pro Tips for Google Sheets
Use F2 to edit a cell without clearing its content.
To freeze rows or columns quickly: Drag the thick gray line from the top-left corner of the sheet.
Access all shortcuts: Press Ctrl+/ (Forward Slash) or Cmd+/ on Mac to view them in Google Sheets.